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/ Microsoft Customer-Ready Marketing Kit / Microsoft Customer-Ready Marketing Kit (Microsoft Certified) (Microsoft) (2001).iso / images / enadcampaign1_xp.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2001-08-13  |  36KB  |  600x542  |  16-bit (769 colors)
Labels: armchair | cabinet | chair | computational linguist | crt screen | desk | hakham | person | plant | sky | sofa | table | television receiver | tie | tv
OCR: Microsoft developers finished the XP Desktop little early About 5 years. Microsoft Actuaihy just soom thet we The combination of Microsof Window XP is the most complete reliabk and easy buse tesitior pocias CERTIFIED the business workt hes rver sonr Wth irmproved securin features to-onecick capebilities for your most used func tiore incnxtible collaboration atole offio will not only more done taster bug will ppdres better guality cof yor then ever beo Insert Here Company] wdven'ne the that can bring t00 Were your Micsoft Certifd Partner and we're trainext backec and supported Logo by Microsoft on all their products so there's no one better ou Micsoft bosed projects Plus we'll be there Unsert city and zip-code herel in a flash because we're iocal So give us a call, or visit ou r Web site Co ...